b'CONTENTS September/October 201984, 273 4 NPPGA Marketing Message 15 2019 NPPGA AnnualPotato Golf Open6 Potatoes USA Message18 NPPGA Awards ScholarshipsPublisher 8 NPC MessageNorthern Plains Potato Growers Assn. 20 Chip And Fry ProcessingGeneral Manager 10 Potatoes USA Brings Cuban Evaluations AmongTodd Phelps Seed Delegation To TheAdvanced Breeding ClonesValley In Storage12 Minnesota Area II 25 2019 NPPGA Field DayField Day2019 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE NORTHERN PLAINS POTATO GROWERS ASSOCIATIONSeptember/October NPPGA Staff On the coverPresidentDonavon Johnson The cover of the September/October issue is TeamFinance and Operations Director Potato. Team Potato is committed to making sureDiane Peycke the Inkster, North Dakota research site is a successyear after year. The NPPGA thanks them for theirMarketing and Communications continued commitment to excelllence.DirectorTed Kreis 152 ND DI No.A Postage P Fargo,U.S.Non-ProfitPermit2 56721 MNHighwayForks,Plains301 GrandBoxBusinessNorthernP.O.420East Org.Growers Association Potato NPPGA Executive CommitteeChairT.J. Hall Work. With a purpose.Vice ChairMatt VanRayDue to internal promotions and the continued growth of the company, Secretary/TreasurerDavid Fedje Black Gold Farms is looking for these positions inor near one of our farm locations inND Council Representative Winamac, IN; Sturgis, MI; Forest River, ND; or Grand Forks, ND (HQ).Michael HoversonMN Council Representative Director of Agronomy Peter Imle Director of Operations (Midwest)Potato Associate RepresentativeGary ShieldsPast Chair Who We Are Eric Halverson Black Gold Farms is recognized as a leader in the potato production industry for our high-quality potatoes, our sales, and our customer service. We have been around since 1928. Thats over 90 years of digging deeper and living life by our seven aspects of culture; Values, Transparency, Team, Excellence, Customer, Passion, and Innovation. In a fourth-generation family owned company like this you truly end up becoming part of the family.Valley Potato Grower is published 8 times annuallyat: P.O. Box301, East Grand Forks, MN 56721. Telephone: (218) 773- The Good Stuff SPUD.Fax:(218)773-6227.E-mail:
[email protected] Black Gold Farms offers an excellent benets package, including health, a company funded Subscription:nochargeinU.S.;Canada:$45/1-year; health savings account, dental, vision, life and AD&D insurance, exible spending accounts, a Advertising: call (218) 773-SPUD. Editor welcomes manuscripts 401(k) program with a company match, paid time off, and incentive compensation. Relocation and pictures but accepts no responsibility for lost materials. assistance may be provided if necessary.Reproduction in whole or in part of materials in this issuewithout permission is prohibited.Copyright2019 NorthernPlains Potato Growers Association. All rights reserved. Apply online:www.blackgoldfarms.com/careersSEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019 POTATO GROWER 3'