b'lants in potatoes.Dr. Susie Thompsons graduate student, Felecity Merritt,talked on her research on identifying resistance to sugarend disorders.Dr.AndyRobinson,NDSU/UMN,spokeonherbicideinjury in potatoes. He said if you have good growingconditions you can overcome herbicide injury. Dr. Susie Thompson, NDSU, talked on her potato breed-ingprogramandDr.GuipingYan,NDSU,gaveanupdate on her Nematology research. Dr. LauraShannon (From left to right) Dr. Darrin Haagenson, USDA/ARS, Dr.talked about her Minnesota potato breeding program. Guiping Yan, NDSU, Dr. Neil Gudmestad, NDSU, Dr. GarySecor, NDSU, Dr. Ian McRae, UMN, Dr. Susie Thompson,NDSU, Dr. Laura Shannon, UMN, and Dr. Andy Robinson,Dr.GarySecor,NDSU,spokeonseedtreatmentsfor NDSU/UMN.potato disease management and late blight and dickeya.Dr. Neil Gudmestad, NDSU, spoke about his many yearsworking with Dr. Gary Secor at the Inkster research site.He talked briefly on his and Garys research on Pink Rot.This will be Dr. Gudmestads last Field Day as he is set toretire in early 2020.Once the Inkster Irrigated Research tours were finished,everyoneheadedtoHooplefortheHoopleTwilightTour. The Hoople Field Day is held every year at ObergFarms just outside of Hoople, North Dakota. Over 120growers and industry people attended the event. The Potato Associates grilled a great meal of burgers and Potato Associates Tom Gullickson (left) and Dan JohnsondidafantasticjobatObergFarmsinHoople,Northbrats with potato salad and chips.Dakota on the grill.The researchers had stations set up with potato samplesand visited with the growers to answer any questionsthat they may have had.The NPPGA would like to thank the Oberg family fortheir continued support of this day. We would also liketo thank the Potato Associates for providing and cook-ing the meal. There are so many people to thank. So wewould just like to thank everyone who helped make thisday the success that it was. We hope to see everyone again next year for Field Day2020.A large crowd at Oberg Farms in Hoople, North Dakota.28 POTATO GROWER SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019'