b'al new potato selections in comparison with commer-cial checks.The USDA-ARS lab remains a participant inseveralPotatoesUSAsponsoredchipandfrytrialsincludingtheNationalFryProcessorTrial(NFPT).Growers were invited to stop by the East Grand Forksstorage facility the morning of October 15th to get afirsthand glimpse of participating 2018 NFPT selectionsgrownacrossWashington,Oregon,Idaho,NorthDakota,Wisconsin,andMaineproductionenviron-ments.He also said by fall of 2020 USDA/ARS will havea new potato grading system that will allow researchersto evaluate internal and external defects and individualweightsfromthereresearchtrials.Pleasecontact Dr.AndyRobinson,NDSU/UMN(right)andNPPGAPresident Donovan Johnson welcome everyone to Field DayDarrinformoreinformationatDarrin.Haagenson at Hoverson Farms in Larimore, North
[email protected] or 701-219-4905.Dr. Laura Shannon, UMN, gave a report on year two oftheMinnesota potato breeding program.Dr. Neil Gudmestad, NDSU spoke on early blight andhow much research that they have done over the yearsat Hoverson Farms. It was another successful Field Day at Hoverson Farmsand we would like to thank the Hoverson family forbeing excellent hosts.FromHoversonFarmseveryoneheadedtoInkster,NorthDakotaforaluncheonsponsoredby Simplot Duane Sarge Preston says a few words of appreciation forand hosted by the Forest River Colony.Hoverson Farms and for the researchers who do a fantasticjob with the research plots.TheColonypreparedawonderfullunchwithporkloin, macaroni salad, potato salad, and dessert for over175 growers and industry people that attended. A bigthank you goes out to the Forest River Colony for beingsuch gracious hosts to everyone who attended. AftertheluncheveryonewasgivenatouroftheInksterresearch site. The Inkster tour started with Dr. Ian McRae, UMN, whotalked about the Colorado Potato Beetle problem andPVY management. He reiterated that the growers needto focus on rotation. Dr. Harlene Hatterman-Valenti, NDSU, spoke on haildamage and its impact on yield and qualty of potatoes.Shealsotalkedaboutmicronutrientsandbiostimu- The staff that helps make Field Day at Hoverson Farms assuccessful as it is.26 POTATO GROWER SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019'