b'wasapproximately5-foldhigher USDA 3 = 26 to 35%, USDA 4 < 26%. to harvest.thanClassAGFPwhenaveraged Stem (S) and bud (B) reflectance ofacrossallclones.Althoughchip friedplankswascomparedagainst Thehighlightedresultsrepresentcolor and sugar concentrations were theindustrystandard,Russet one growing season under ND irri-elevated at 42F storage, these class Burbank and only the storage data gated conditions and annual varia-Bclonesprovidedexcellentchip fromnumberedbreedingclones tioninproductionenvironmentquality following six month storage that gave higher average reflectance may impact storage quality.Prior toat 45F.In previous years, MSX540- data than Burbank at the last storage incorporating any of the document-4(Mackinaw)wasclassifiedasa sampling point in 2018 is reported. ed clones into ones operation, care-ClassAclone.Unfortunately,we ful consideration of agronomic per-werenotabletofullyassess In2018,only11breedingclones formance must be critically assessed.MSX540-4 (Mackinaw) in 2018 due had % reflectance values equal to orto a missing 42F sample, and there- greater than Burbank.In fact, only Additionalsugarprofiledataforfore Mackinaw was listed as a class B fourclones(AAF10615-1, each clone throughout 2018 storageclone in 2018 (Table 1).ND060735-4Russ,OR09256-2,and treatmentswillbesupplieduponClearwaterRusset)testedin2018 request.OtherinformationonRusset Clone Evaluations had reflectance values greater than clonecharacteristicsincludingForrussetprocessingclones,stem 44% (> USDA 1) at the six month importantphysicalattributessuchand bud fry color was assessed using sampling point (Table 2, Figure 2). as specific gravities may be found byphotovolt % reflectance.According Thedecreasedrussetfryqualityin contacting the USDA storage man-tothephotovoltmanufacturer: 2018 may be attributed to the cold ager,DarrinHaagensonatDarrin.USDA 1 > 44%, USDA 2 = 35 to 44%, stress conditions immediately prior
[email protected] Spudequipment.comPilers Dirt Eliminators Crossovers/Wind rowers 2002 Kverneland 3200 cup pull type w/ 2007 Milestone 42 all belt, 230 3ph remote 97 DL 807 62 BC with 3 stingers 3ph 2012 Spudnik 6160 6 row dual discharge fertilizer 4 row 362002 Spudnik 860 42 BC 36mm, 230 volt 1995 Double 806 Collector 44 2-pups 50mm 2000 Grimme 8 row 34 row rear steer3ph remote 2008 Spudnik 6140 Four Row RH 50/50/50 1996 Kverneland 3200 cup pull type w/Rock/Clod/Eliminators fertilizer 4 row 362003 Milestone 42 all belt, 230 3ph remote 2015 Lockwood Air Vac 2008 Spudnik 6140 Four Row LH 50/50/50 1995 Kverneland 3300 6 row 341999 Double L 831 36 x 49 BC, 3ph remote 2014 Spudnik 991 72 Air Sep 2003 Lockwood 5000 Four Row LH 50/50/50 Planter/Tare/Piler1994 Double L 831 36 x 49 BC 3ph Remote 2010 Harriston Clod Hopper 3240 1998 Double L 851 Four Row RH 50/50/45 DL 815 30 x 24 hyd belt chain1991 Spudnik 550 30 BC, 3ph Remote 2007 Harriston Clod Hopper 240 model 3ph Harvesters DL 814 24 x 30 hyd belt chain1985 DL 813 30 BC 3ph 1998 Harriston Clod Hopper 200/80 230 2015 Double L 953 50/50/45/45/45/ Water DammersStingers Volt 3ph Grimme DR1500 2 row 2- pintle belts 2009 Logan 6 row Yield Pro Water Dammer2016 Logan Trac Pro Telescopic 36/42 x 6 Tel. 1994 STI 1260 Sand Machine 2012 Double L 965 3 row, w/Multi-sep table 2006 Spudnik 8060 Cultv. Bed Shaper Diker2010 Logan Trac Pro Telescopic 36/42 x 6 Tel. Even Flows 2010 Lockwood 474 50/56/56/56/50 1991 Ag Engineering 6 row Dammer Diker2014 Logan Trac Pro 30 x 10 belt 3ph 2009 DL 973 4 row 36 row 1994 Ag Engineering 4 row Tillage Master 9Double L 832 BC 30 ngers 2016 Milestone 100cwt, Stinger, tilt belt 2008 DL 953 4 row 36 shanks Hyd reset Conveyors Telescopic 1996 Double L 860 600 cwt 3ph 2008 Lockwood 474H 4 row Milestone 6 row Water Dammer1990 Spudnik 1800 3ph 48 elev. 2003 Grimme GZ1700 with multi sep Shredder/Vine Beaters1998 Spudnik TC 36/42/60 3ph Refurbished 1995 Spudnik 1800 3ph 500 cwt 30 conv. cleaning, 2 row. 2012 Newhouse P1952 Pull hitch TireConveyors Straight Beds Seed Cutters Roller 36Double L 809 30 x 40 3ph (10) 1995 Double L 20 updated Dual Drive 1998 Milestone 48 MISC.Double L 809 30 x 38 3ph (10) 1994 Logan 20 roll tarp long discharge 1993 Milestone 36 Scooper belly dump unloader attachmentDouble L 808 30 x 25 3ph 1992 Logan 20 roll tarp long discharge Mayo Scooper belly dump unloaderTreaters attachmentSIZER/Eliminator 1986 Logan 20 new paint & planetary 2015 Milestone 36 Liquid Treater Harriston 12 row Marker Semi mount2003 Milestone 84 DES, BC Elev, peg belt gearbox 2013 Better Built CDT 10x 10 dust auger Shop Built 12 row Marker 3pointblower 1989 Logan 20 w/ EZ Tarp 1996 Milestone 36 Duster Warehouse/ Packaging2003 Milestone 84 DES, Belt Elev, dirt &1985 Logan 20 Electric Planters Tilt belt Warehouse Even ow 600cwt 86 xsizing rolls cross conv. 1983 Logan 20 Electric 2016 Spudnik 8080 8 row pull 36 26 x 14 30 belt 230 V 3ph2003 Spudnik 995 84 peg belt blower, dirt Trucks 2009 Harriston cup planter 8 row pull 2012 Kwik Lok 865 Bag closerrolls & sizing 3ph 2007 Sterling 13spd MB 425hp, no bed,loaded 34 2- Milestone Screw Sizers with belts2002 Spudnik 925 72 3ph frame for 22 bed, has PTO. 2009 Lockwood 4 row air cup with feed conveyor2000 Double 878 DE 78 3ph ip down 72 2003 KW 290hp Auto Logan 20 bed EZ tarp 2007 Spudnik 8060 36 Newlong Sewer DS-9Csizer 1988 InternationalAuto Logan 20 bed 2007 Gruse Bed planter 4 row off set hitch Northwest Bagger1997 Double 807 Dirt Elim. 62 BC 3ph 2005 Harriston model 4016 cup, RavenErnst roll sizer 72Stingers 72 Sizer 1985 IH 5000 Pay-Star 290 hp Cum., manualController 36 Volm Pak 8000 w/ carousel1997 Milestone MSDES 72 3ph Dirt Elim Sizer 2003 Kverneland8 row 34 rear steer, tanks pumpsBruce: (208)390-5120 |
[email protected]: (208)757-8481 |
[email protected]: (208) 390-5120 |
[email protected]: (208) 757-8481 |
[email protected]/OCTOBER 2019 POTATO GROWER 21'