b'Heimbuch Potatoes Packages: Paper, poly, cartons, RPCs, totesAddress: 12064 98th St. SE., Cogswell, ND 58017 Sizes: 3#, 5#, 8#, 10#, 15#, 20#, 50#, 2000#Established: 2009 CEO: Carissa OlsenBrands: Golden Goodness, Golden Thrifties, Farm Fresh, Sales Reps: Mike Rerick,Steve JohnsonGolden Gems, Local Fresh, Red, White, and Blue, Private Phone: 701-847-2200Labels Fax: 701-847-2109Types: Yellows E-mail:
[email protected], Steve J- stevej@nokota-Packages: Poly, Poly-mesh, vent, view paper, cartons, totes packers.com,
[email protected]: Bulk, 3#, 5#, 10#, 20#, 50#, 2000# Website: www.nokotapackers.comSales Reps: Chad Heimbuch, Josh HeimbuchPhone: 701-724-3293Cell: Chad-701-320-0547 O.C. Schulz & Sons Fax: 701-724-3158 Address: 401 4th St. Crystal, ND 58222E-mail:
[email protected] Established: 1959Website: www.heimbuchpotatoes.com Brands: Crystal Champ, Schulz Gourmet, Champette, King,AIMS, Leader, Ruby, private labelsTypes: Reds, YellowsJ.G. Hall & Sons Packages: Paper, poly, burlap, cartons, totesSizes: 50#, 100#, 2000#, consumer packsAddress: P.O. Box 8,Edinburg, ND 58227 or Sales Reps: David Moquist, Andy Moquist, Krissy Schulz,5070 Tator Ave, Hoople, ND 58243 Tom Schulz, Justin SchulzEstablished: 1950 Phone: 701-657-2152Brands: Halls Super Pack, Halls Five Star, private labels Fax: 701-657-2425Types: Reds, Yellows Cell: Dave-701-520-1855; Andy 701-520-2423Packages: Paper, poly, cartons, totes E-mail:
[email protected]: Bulk, 3#, 5#, 10#, 15#, 20#, 50#, 100#, 2000# Website: www.ocschulz.comSales Reps: Greg Hall, TJ Hall, and Jackson HallPhone: 701-894-6112Fax: 701-894-6114Cell: Greg-701-331-0524; TJ-701-331-0812 Peatland Reds E-mail:
[email protected], Address: 17017 390th Ave. SE, Trail, MN.
[email protected] Established: 1999Brands: Peatsoil Grown, private labels Types: Reds, Russets, Yellows, Blues, Fingerlings, SweetLone Wolf Farms Potatoes, OnionsAddress: P.O. Box 317, Hwy. 81 N., Minto, ND 58261 Packages: Paper, totes, cartons, polyEstablished: 1938 Sizes: 3#, 4#, 5#, 8#, 10#, 20#, 50#, 2000#Brands: Lone Wolf, Dakota Bear, Baby Red, private labels Sales Rep: Isaac MagnellTypes: Reds, whites, yellows Phone: 218-268-4034Packages: Paper, poly, mesh, burlap, totes, cartons Fax: 218-268-4094Sizes: Bulk, 3#, 5#, 10#, 50#, 100#, 2000# Cell: Isaac-218-280-7872Sales Reps: Chris Bjorneby, Keith Bjorneby, Josh Bjorneby Website: www.peatlandreds.com Phone: 701-248-3482Fax: 701-248-3508Cell: Chris-701-360-5674, Keith-701-360-0022,Josh-701-360-7783,Spokely FarmsE-mail:
[email protected], Address: P.O. Box 73, Nielsville, MN
[email protected],Established:
[email protected] Brands: Spokely, Wise ChoiceWebsite: www.lonewolffarms.com Types: Reds, YellowsPackages: Paper, cartons, totesSizes: 50#, 2000#NoKota PackersSales Rep: Lonnie SpokelyAddress: P.O. Box 151, Buxton, ND 58218 Phone: 218-946-2825, 218-942-3281Established: 1979 Fax: 218-946-2014Brands: Buxtons Best, NoKota Pride,Cell: 701-430-1803Rough Rider Country, Bully Brand, private labels E-mail:
[email protected]: Reds SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019 POTATO GROWER 17'