b'Northland Potato Growers Association Attends The 2022 Americas Food And Beverage ShowThe 2022 Americas Food and Beveragecialty crop at the Miami Beach show.by having representation at this show, ShowwasheldattheMiamiBeachTheDepartmentandfiveNorthwehaveopenedtheideaofNorth Convention Center in Miami Beach,Dakota companies spent two days vis- Dakota potatoes to Caribbean buyers. Florida, on September 12-13th.itingwithbuyersandconsumers worldwide.Northland Potato Growers Association TheNationalAssociationofStatewould like to extend a special thank DepartmentsofAgriculture(NASDA)JaceyKuersteinerfromNorthlandyoutoCommissionerGoehringand hosted a Tastes of the States PavilionPotatoGrowersAssociationattendedhisstafffortheinvitationtoattend at the 2022 show.The NASDA pavil- the show on behalf of the Associationthe tradeshow.Our goal is to contin-ionspanned15,000squarefeetandand fresh shippers.She visited withuetoworkcloselywiththe showcasedfoodandbeverageprod- numerous buyers and consumers fromDepartment of Ag to educate, promote ucts from 150 US companies, includ- the Caribbean, generating much buzzandsellNorthDakota-grownpota-ing eight state departments of agricul- aroundNorthDakotapotatoes.Itoes.saysNPPGA President,Dona-ture.spent two full days visiting with peo- von Johnson. ple from over ten different countries.Through special funds awarded to theDuringthistime,wediscussedtheLook for Northland Potatoes at IFPAs State of North Dakota Department ofway they currently use potatoes andGlobalShowOctober27-29in Agriculture,NorthlandPotatohow the rich flavorful potatoes fromOrlando, Florida!GrowersAssociationwasinvitedtoNorthDakotaareexactlywhatthey represent a North Dakota-grown spe- need. Jacey says,I am hopeful that 16 POTATO GROWER NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022'