b'up again this year but are confident itwont be as bad as 2015.2020isalsonotablebecauseofthecontinuingtrendofyellowpotatoesreplacing red potatoes for the valleysfresh crop.This year yellow potatoeswill make up nearly 28% of the RedRiverValleysfreshcrop;thatcom-pares to just 4% a decade ago.Process growers had an average year.Irrigatedfieldswereabletobehar-vested without issues facing drylandgrowers, however a smaller size profile Lonnie Spokely takes a break from discing up a flood damaged field east ofshowed up again this year which will Cummings, North Dakota.no doubt have potato researchers and projecting the North Dakota crop at predictsthatstrongyieldsinagronomists searching for answers. 21.1millionhundredweight(cwt.), Minnesotawhichwillincreasetheirup from 19.4 million cwt. last year, an production by 5.9% from 17.85 mil-Potato economist Bruce Huffaker fore- 8.6% increase. He notes that despite a lion cwt. in 2019 to 18.9 million thiscastsU.S.potatoproductiontobe 9,000 acre drop in North Dakota pota- year.Huffakersforecastwasinthedown 6 % this year compared to 2019 toplanting,harvestedacresare October 7th issue of North Americanbut sees an opposite trend in North expected to be up by 4,000.Huffaker Potato Market News.DakotaandMinnesota.HuffakerisNOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020 POTATO GROWER 5'