N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 8 14 POTATO GROWER industry.” During my time in the Extension Potato Agronomist position I have enjoyed working with the entire the potato growers and industry. The potato community is very support- ive of the research and Extension work I participate in each day. I have been welcomed on farms, at the pro- cessing plants and at various meet- ing speaking about potatoes. One of the areas I have worked in is educat- ing the potato industry about herbi- cide injury and the effects herbi- cides can have on seed potato tubers when the mother plants were exposed to herbicides. The Potato Extension webpage (z.umn.edu/spud) was created to provide a source of potato informa- tion. Because of the request for more basic potato education, the Potato Scout School was initiating in 2015. Additionally, as requested by grow- ers, the NDAWN Potato Blight was developed to provide late blight and early blight updates. I am planning to add additional features to this app to make it more useful. It has been exciting and fun working with the potato community and I look forward to the future service I can provide the industry. Potato production has evolved sub- stantially over the past 50 years. For example, look at the changes in equipment, farm size, storage and technology. As the global need for food contin- ues to increase, I believe the humble potato will continue to be in great demand. The potato community is continually asked to raise the bar in yield and quality. At the same time the farms must be economically and environmentally sustainable. Through all these challenges the Extension Potato Agronomist will continue to assist the potato com- munity to ensure a productive and safe food supply to feed the world our favorite vegetable. Nick David inspects a potato plant. Dr. Andy Robinson, Extension Potato Agronomist, NDSU/UMN, at the NDSU Irrigated Potato Research Plot.