N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 26 POTATO GROWER The 52nd annual Potato Bowl week was held September 5th through the 9th. The week was full of events celebrat- ing the potato and football. The week ended with the foot- ball game on Saturday between the University of North Dakota and Missouri State University. Monday kicked off the week with the Hugo’s Plinko Contest. Tuesday, there was a potato chip giveaway held at the Scheels store in Grand Forks, North Dakota. It was a huge success with Scheels handing out many bags of potato chips. Then on Wednesday the Hugo’s Potato Bowl Golf Scramble was held at Valley Golf Course in East Grand Forks, Minnesota. There were 31 teams at this year’s event. It was a beautiful day with a high around 72 degrees, perfect golf- ing weather. The team of Brian Thompson, Reggie Soholt, Adam Bergman and Brian Halvorson won the tournament with a score of 54, that is 19 under par. Thursday evening was the J. R. Simplot French Fry Feed held in University Park. Thousands of people attended with the intention of breaking the world record set in 2015 of 5,220 pounds of French Fries eaten. We were successful (Continued on page 29) 2017 Potato Bowl USA This little girl won a bag of chips when she played in the sack races at the French Fry Feed in University Park. Ronald McDonald greets the crowd at the World’s Largest French fry feed in University Park.