b"prior year on the seventeen follow- diet plans on the list include carb-ingattributes:allowsyoutofeel Americans restrictive, low sugar, and low sodi-goodaboutwhatyoureeating; love for um.However, carb-restrictive dietsfresh;convenientandeasytouse; sawafour-pointdropsincelastanenergy-packedvegetable;good potatoes has reported in 2020.Also, forty-ninefor athletic performance; helps fuel percent report eating the traditionalme for my everyday activities; pro- deepened in three-square meals per day, slightlyvides sustained energy; something I increasingfromthepreviousyear.usually have on hand; a good source the last year, Cookingstyleshavebecomemoreofpotassium;healthyforyou; according to complex, adventurous, and creative.gluten-free;containsprotein;used Overthree-quartersofrespondentsand approved by athletes; fills you the 2021 say they use recipes regularly whenup;satisfying;agoodvalueand preparing meals.good for recovery. ConsumerPlease contact Potatoes USA if youA few more noteworthy changes in Attitudes have any questions about the 2021eatingpatterndatafromtheprior and Usage ConsumerAttitudesandUsageyear'sstudy:forty-fourpercentof study.Americans surveyed claim they fol- study.lowadietaryguideline.Leading905 Jet Stream Dr.MAY/JUNE 2021 POTATO GROWER 9"