b'Potato Associate SpotlighthasbeenamemberofthePotatoried for 37 years and they have three Associates for over nine years.children, Sara, Cody, and Alex. Tj enjoys golf and most sports. He AssociatedPotatoGrowers,Inc.iswent to school at the University of one of the largest fresh red potatoMinnesota Duluth. packingcooperativesinthe Midwest. They supply red potatoesTJsays,Ienjoyworkingat and yellow flesh potatoes to some ofAssociated where we have great peo-the nations largest wholesalers.pleandgreatcustomers.Thisisa wonderful area to live in. Tj has been with Associated Potato Growers, Inc. for nine years and is inFor more information on becoming chargeofallsalesandtransporta- aPotatoAssociate,call218-773-OurPotatoAssociateSpotlightfortion for the company.3633orlogontoourwebpageat thismonthisTJ Johnstonefromwww.npga.organdclickonthe AssociatedPotatoGrowers,Inc.TJTJ and his wife, Jane have been mar- Potato Associate button. MARCH 2023 POTATO GROWER 5'