b'People Product Newsingpotatostorages,collectingyieldHeiscurrentlythesecretaryfortheance, and love. samples, and managing the storage cropPotato Association of America - physiol- with her dad. ogy section. While Jims resume is out- AspecialIndustryAppreciateAwardstanding,heremainscompassionatewenttoWPVGAExecutiveAssistant During college, she worked in the sum- and concerned about those with whomJulie Braun, who is celebrating 25 years mer on small-plot research trials, whichhe works. He cares as much about hisof service in 2023. Julie also serves as introduced her to using statistics withincolleagues as the research itself, and thatadministrative coordinator for Wiscon-agriculture and encouraged her to spe- leadership shines through his character.sin Mint Board, Inc. and the Wisconsin cialize in agricultural economics. Nicola Muck Farmers Association.says: I enjoy the challenge and variabil- JordanLambreceivedtheAgri- itythatpotatofarmingbrings.Communicator Award for excellence inShereceivedanIndustryAppreciation Agricultural economics provides me thecommunication and outstanding serviceAwardfromtheWPVGAAssociate balance between being out in the fieldsto the potato and vegetable industry.Divisionin2012,theWPVGA and using data to support our operation PresidentsAwardin2013,andan teams.ThedaughterofKirkandA principal and contract lobbyist withIndustryAppreciationAwardfromthe JacquelineWille,NicolareturnedtoThe Welch Group public affairs firm, inWPVGA in 2018.work in the family business seven yearsMadison, Jordan has been working onago.behalf of agriculture for 22 years, repre- WPVGAExecutiveDirectorTamassenting a diverse set of clients before theHoulihanpresentedJuliewiththe TheWPVGAResearcheroftheYearWisconsin legislature and state agencies.Industry Appreciation Award in recogni-Award was presented to Dr. James Busse. tion of 25 years of service and outstand-Jims nomination came with supportingAMadisonnative,JordangraduatedingcontributionstotheWisconsin letters of recommendation from univer- from the UW-Madison Law School. Shepotato and vegetable industry.sity professors as well as industry stake- spent over 20 years in pri-holders from Wisconsin and Idaho. Jimvate law practice serving isaresearchtechnicianinDr.Paulgovernmentrelations BethkesprogramattheU.S.clientsanddevelopinga DepartmentofAgriculture-Vegetablestronglegalbackground Crops Research Unit on the Universityinenvironmentaland of Wisconsin (UW)-Madison campus.administrative law. She ishighlyskilledatlegisla-Jimhasbeeninvolvedwithcountlesstive planning and analy-potato research projects in his 20-plussis,andherlegalback-years of work and service. He is a moti- groundisanassetto vatedandaccomplishedresearcher,clientsastheynavigate mentor,andteamplayer.Hisenthusi- complexstateregula-asm, creativity, and skill set have gainedtions. respectwithscientists,students,andpotato industry stakeholders. 2022WPVGABoardPresidentAlexOkrayof Jim, who has authored and co-authoredOkrayFamilyFarms, 18 peer-reviewed scientific publications,Plover,presentedthe alsocontributedcountlessothertalksPresidentsAwardtohis and posters at professional potato meet- wife, Anna Okray, for her ings.faithfulsupport,guid-MARCH 2023 POTATO GROWER 29'