b"Andys Advice:Australia Potato Tour 2023By Andy Robinson, Extension Potato Agronomist, NDSU/UMNthe potato industry. The tour startedwallabies, and emus were available inTorquay,Victoriaandendedinto feed and take pictures of in the Adelaide,SouthAustralia.Duringpark.thisweeklongtourparticipants were able visit the Aboriginal cultur- After filling up with Australian food alcenter,seesomeofthesightsin the morning on February 6th the alongtheGreatOceanDrive,andtourtravelledalongtheGreat get a view of some of the differentOceanDrive.TheGreatOcean growing conditions for potato pro- Drive to Australians would compare duction, and learn about the equip- in popularity to the Grand Canyon ment being used for production andin the USA. It has amazing views of packing. thecoastline,koalas,kangaroos, andemus,andseveralnational One of first visits made was to theparks along the way. One of those NarawanaAboriginalculturalcen- parks has a rain forest, and partici-From February 5th thru the 10th weter.Herewewereabletoseeandpantswereabletowalkthrough. hadapotatotourinAustraliatolearnabouttheAboriginalhistoryYes,Australiahasalotofdeserts, learnaboutAustraliacultureandandart.Additionally,kangaroos,but there are many other beautiful Group photo of Americans and Australians at Damian Maloney's farm.12 POTATO GROWER MARCH 2023"