M A R C H 2 0 1 8 POTATO GROWER 23 has a low specific gravity (1.070 average across irrigated and non-irri- gated sites) and medium yellow flesh and excellent flavor. Promising reds were ND6002-1R with a medium sized vine, medium maturity and medium yield poten- tial. The tubers were round, smooth, bright red with smooth eyes and bright white flesh. It has medium specific gravity, but some silver scurf has been noted. ND7982-1R gives round tubers with bright red skinned and white flesh in a high set. It showed to have a medium maturity and medium yield potential. It has been entered in the regional trial. Chips also move to more tubers per plant. As a chip variety Dr. Thompson mentioned ND7799c-1 as having a high yield potential with medium vine size and medium to late maturity. The tubers were of a nice type and the tuber size pro- file was good as well. The specific gravity was medium(1.086 average). It chips from 42oF storage. Dr. Mitch Bauske, NDSU, discussed the Effect of Plant Growth Hormones on Potato Tuber Uniformity. He tried to determine whether plant growth hormones can hasten potato tuber emergence and/or effect potato stem numbers. Dr. Neil Gudmestad, NDSU, asked the question whether Verticillium- Resistant Cultivars Require Soil Fumigation? In the trend for sus- tainability Dr. Gudmestad expects the future control of Verticilium will be resistant varieties (for example: Alturas, Chipeta, Russet Nugget, Cal White, Dakota Trailblazer, Bannock Russet) (R). Ranger Russet and Clearwater Russet are moderately resistant (MR). (MS) is moderately susceptible. The goal of this research was to determine whether potato cultivars with Verticillium wilt resistance need to be planted in fumigated soil. The cultivars that were evaluated includ- ed Alpine Russet (MS), Alturas (R), Bannock Russet (R), Clearwater Russet (MR), Dakota Russet (MR/MS), Dakota Trailblazer (R), Russet Burbank (MS), Ranger Russet (MR). Since the residual population of Verticillium remained above thresh- old after fumigation, yield was not ;VLHYU`V\YI\ZPULZZ