b'MARKETING PROGRAMH I G H L I G H T SDomestic and int ernational marke tingprograms are promo ting the nutritionalperformance benets of potatoes.Hundreds of thous an ds@PotatoesFuelPerformanceof runnerswill lear n th e power of the p ota to a s a perform ance fuel A growingcommunity of athletessharing OFFICIAL PERFORMA NCE VEGETABLEtheir love of potat oe sRetail promoti on School menusInuencer marketi ng Product innovat ionWHY BUY U.S. ? WHERE POTATOES ARE SOLD *PROFITABILITY IDEAL SOIL ANDCLIMATE59% MORE SERVINGS= MORE R E VENUE SUPERIOR QUALI TYFOODSERVICECONSISTENT SUPPL Y CHAINRETAIL 41% HIGH-QUALITY FRIES YEA R-ROUNDPRODUCT VERSA TILITYMORE PRODUCTS = MORE P O SSIBILI TIES 2020 Potatoes USA.All rightsreserv ed.*2018 U.S. Potato Sale s &Utilization.'