b'People, Product Newsworkingopportunitiesincluded:aliveHorizon Logistics Welcomesdistribution.Aprovenleader,Brohas recording of the Eye on Potatoes PodcastTerrence Bro As New Generalservedastheheadofsalesforthe onthetopicofinflationandsupplyManager Fortune 400 private fleet grocery distrib-chainforecasting,featuringUniversityutor, SpartanNash, in addition to serv-of Idaho assistant professors of agricul- Horizon Logistics has hired Terrence Broing in a variety of senior leadership roles tural economics Pat Hatzenbuehler andas the new general manager to overseefor some of the largest asset based and Liang Jimmy Lu; live and silent auc- all aspects of this growing logistics com- third-party logistics organizations in the tions to benefit the Potato Leadership,pany. Bro will take the lead on manag- United States. Education,andAdvancementingtheentiretruckingfleet,ensuringFoundation(PotatoLEAF),whichefficiencyinoperationsandimprovedWe are ebullient to have Terrence join brought in $45,470 to support the foun- customer experience.theBlackGoldFarmsfamilyandrun dations leadership development efforts; such an integral part of our business, andnumerousNPC-hostedpolicydis- Bro brings a unique perspective to thesaid Eric Halverson, CEO of Black Gold cussions,includingabreakoutsessionrole with over 34 years of domestic andFarms,Underhisdirectionwewill looking at the prospects for a congres- international transportation experience,work to enhance the overall customer sional solution to the U.S. ag labor crisis,across a variety of industries and verti- experience and further position Horizon featured in a story by Expo media part- cals. Over the years, Bro has focused hisLogistics as a strong competitor in the ner The Packer.profession in food service and grocerylogistic space.When you buy MinnesotaMinnesota Certifiedcertified seed potatoes, youre getting a history of high performance, high Seed Potatoesquality seed. Minnesota seed is grown on a wideFor your free copy of the Minnesotarange of soil types, from theCertified Seed Directory Call:rich black soils of the Red River Valley to the irrigated sands of Central Minnesota218-773-4956to the deep peat soils of East Central and Southern Minnesota. If you want aspecific variety, MINNESOTAwe can grow it. CERTIFIED SEED POTATO DIRECTORY2021www.mda.state.mn.us/potato FEBRUARY 202228 POTATO GROWER'