b'Northern Plains Potato Growers Association Annual Meeting, Research Reporting Conference & Chairmans/Meritorious Service Award BanquetThe NPPGA Annual Meeting, Research Reporting Conference & Chairmans/MSA Banquet will be held at the Alerus Center in Grand Forks, North Dakota on Tuesday, February 15, 2022. We invite you to join us for an informative day with the Research Reporting Conference beginning at 8 AM. At the banquet we will be honoring Meritorious Service Award winner Jeff VanRay of Pingree, ND. We will also be passing the gavel from current Chairman Matt VanRay to Chairman-elect David Fedje. The entertainment for the evening will again be Jazz on Tap playing back-ground music to allow growers and associates to visit before and after dinner. We hope you can 1946-2021join us for a day filled with information, fun and camaraderie. S C H E D U L E O F E V E N T STimeEvent R E S E A R C H R E P O R T I N G C O N F E R E N C EN P P G A A N N U A L B U S I N E S S M E E T I N GL U N C H (Sponsored by Bremer Bank & the Potato Associates) R E S E A R C H R E P O R T I N G C O N F . C O N T I N U E DP O T A T O A S S O C I A T E S M E E T I N GS O C I A L H O U RC H A I R M A NS / M S A B A N Q U E TRegister me for the Annual MeetingResearch Reporting Conference ~ FREEto all if attending this ONLYRoom reservations can be Chairmans/MSA Banquet~ FREE to NPPGA potato growersmade by calling the Canad Inn at Chairmans/MSA Banquet~$75 per person Potato Associates & all others(888) 332-2623 or Name(s)(701) 772-8404 1.Research Reporting Conf.TotalOther area hotels Chairmans/MSA BanquetAmount Staybridge Hotel 2.Research Reporting Conf.Enclosed Or701-772-9000 Chairmans/MSA Banquetto ProcessMy Place Hotel 3.Research Reporting Conf.701-757-1717 Chairmans/MSA Banquet$_________Baymont Hotel 4.Research Reporting Conf.701-757-2345Chairmans/MSA Banquet AddressOr call the NPPGA Method of PaymentVisaoffice at Bill MeMasterCard(218) 773-3633 with your card Check enclosedAmerican Expressinformation PhoneCredit Card #Expiration3 digit security codeEmailSignatureZip code ofwhere the CC is mailed Mail to: NPPGA ~ PO Box 301 ~ East Grand Forks, MN 56721 FEBRUARY 2022 POTATO GROWER 27'