b'People, Product NewsInfluential Scientific AdvisorywillbevaluabletogleaninsightsandPotato Expo 2022 Reconnects The Panel To Support ProperstrategiesforengaginginthenextIndustry Through Meet and Characterization Of Potatoes Dietary Guidelines for Americans cycle,Potatoes"and to ensure potatoes continue to be A select group of leading nutrition sci- positioned positively (broadly, and as itTheNationalPotatoCouncilwas entistsandcommunicatorshavecom- pertains to quality carbohydrates). pleased to host the first in-person meet-mitted to partnering with Potatoes USAing of the U.S. and international potato asmembersofthenewlyformedKeithAyoob,EdD,RD,Associateindustry in two years on January 5-6 in Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP). The SAPProfessor Emeritus in the Department ofAnaheim, California.willhelpsupportproactiveengage- Pediatrics at the Albert Einstein College ments with the science community toof Medicine. Dr. Ayoob frequently com- Overcomingnationalairlineandpan-align with Potatoes USAs current initia- municates about nutrition research lim- demicdisruptions,PotatoExpo2022 tives aimed at reversing mischaracteriza- itations with his peers through his socialprovided industry attendees the oppor-tions of potatoes among researchers andchannelsandblog.Hispeer-to-peertunity to network, reconnect, and learn science media. Each member was cho- influence will be important to achieveabout the latest services and technolo-sen based on their unique background360-degreesurroundsoundofqualitygies to improve their businesses. tohelpelevatetheneedformorecarbohydrate and science integrity mes-nuance in defining high quality carbo- sages. Further, his specific expertise inThe two days of programming and net-hydrate-containingfoods,andtosup- child nutrition may help port the broader call for more integrity,supportbroaderefforts rigor, and transparency in the nutritionwithschoolmealpro- Augies Chemical researchprocess.TheSAPmembersgramsandelevatetheCompanyinclude: important role that pota- Specializing in Potato Dormancy &toesplayinchildrensSprout Inhibiting Application DaveKlurfeld,PhD,formerNationaldiets. Products:Program Leader of Human Nutrition for Industrymembersare1,4 Seed1,4 Shipthe Agricultural Research Service of the1,4 Sight Pin Nip 98% CIPCUSDA.Dr.Klurfeldsbackgroundandencouragedtoget1,4 Zapexpertise will be tapped to socialize theinvolvedandhelp latest science and consensus, stemmingspreadthewordaboutFull line of products for fromthePotatoesUSA-ledQualitythelatestpotatonutri- wash plants/packaging:CarbohydrateCoalition,amonghistioninformationandSprout Torchpeers.initiatives. To stay up toSpud Guard 2ECStorOx 2.0dateonthelatest Heather Leidy, PhD, Associate Professorresearchandnutrition attheUniversityofTexasatAustin;news,checkoutContact: Don Augustin or John OstenrudeDon: 701-520-13732020DietaryGuidelinesAdvisorywww.apre.organdJohn: 701-360-3919 Committee (DGAC) Member. Dr. Leidyswww.potatoesusa.com.Email: [email protected] [email protected] POTATO GROWER FEBRUARY 2022'