b'breakthroughswithChinaand torswiththeChinesegovernment This presents the incoming admin-Japan were announced last year dur- on the trade front.istration an opportunity to turn theingPotatoExpoandtheNPC pageandresetrelationshipswithAnnual Meeting in Las Vegas. Those On Japan, the Biden Administration ourpartners.TheBidenvictories were decades in the mak- hassignaledwillingnesstoreopen Administrationhassignaledthating and set the stage for increased Trans-PacificPartnership(TPP)or confrontationmaynotbeentirelyU.S. potato exports to those essen- similarmulti-lateraltalks,which off the table, though they intend totial markets.could open Japan to U.S. table-stock bringothercountriestogethertofresh potatoes and also level the tar- collectivelynegotiatewithChina.WhilePhaseOneagreements iff playing field with the other TPP This approach may concentrate andbetween the U.S. and both countries countries. Japan is already the U.S. magnify the negotiating power wewere implemented in 2020, we see potato industrys largest export mar- needtodeliverfurtherbreak-anopportunitywiththenew ket with exports totaling over $350 throughs in that market.administration to renew talks with million in 2019, and a new agree-China to move us into Phase Two, ment could result in tens of millions TimewilltellbutgivenPresidentfurther expanding our footprint in more in exports for the industry.BidenshistoryintheSenateofthatmassivemarket.Whilethe bringingtogethercoalitionstogetBiden Administration has said that TheTrumpAdministrationmain- thingsdone,hisally-buildingitsfirstpriorityiscombating tainedaconfrontationalapproach approachtotrademayhelpopenCOVID, not new trade agreements, with certain trading partners, partic- the window for new export oppor-the selection of Mandarin-speaking ularlyChina.Inthatmarket,the tunities that could benefit the pota-Katherine Tai as the next U.S. Trade confrontation did yield some results to industry for decades to come. Representativesignalsthenew in the promise of the China Phaseadministration will be hard negotia- One Agreement. UNLOADING\x00CONVEYOR PILER\x00TRUCK\x00LOADERHOPPER\x00TRAILER\x00UNLOADERCONVEYOR\x00LINEELEVATING\x00CONVEYORMAYOMFG.COMFEBRUARY 2021 POTATO GROWER 11'