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O F F I C I A L P U B L I C A T I O N O F T H E N O R T H E R N P L A I N S P O T A T O G R O W E R S A S S O C I A T I O N February2016 Feed me Feed me Feed me Theres a better way to feed your potato crop. Crystal Green provides continuous season-long plant-activated phosphorus with nitrogen and magnesium to help crops thrive with a single application. Unlike conventional water-soluble fertilizer Crystal Green releases nutrients in response to organic acids exuded by growing roots. In other words plants get what they need when they need it with minimal nutrient tie-up and loss due to leaching and runo. For more information visit crystalgreen.compotato 5-28-0 10Mg Crystal Green is a registered trademark of Ostara Nutrient Recovery Technologies Inc. CG035686P410AVA F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 POTATO GROWER 3 February 2016 81 244 CONTENTS 4 NPPGA Marketing Message 10 USPB Message 12 NPC Message 14 Andys Advice 2016 Update On Herbicide Carryover In Potatoes 18 NPPGA Annual Research And Reporting Conference 19 International Crop Expo Educational Seminars 20 Seed Issues At The 2016 Potato Expo On the cover This is an overhead shot of the 2015 International Crop Expo held at the Alerus Center in Grand Forks North Dakota. Publisher Northern Plains Potato Growers Assn. General Manager Todd Phelps NPPGA Staff President Chuck Gunnerson Finance and Operations Director Diane Peycke Marketing and Communications Director Ted Kreis NPPGA Executive Committee Chair Don Suda Vice Chair Lonnie Spokely ND Council Representative Greg Campbell MN Council Representative Justin Dagen Potato Associate Representative Todd Phelps Past Chair Rick Vivatson Valley Potato Grower is published 8 times annually at P.O. Box 301 East Grand Forks MN 56721. Telephone 218 773- SPUD. Fax 218 773-6227. E-mail Subscription no charge in U.S. Canada 401-year Foreign 601-year. Advertising call 218 773-SPUD. Editor welcomes manuscripts and pictures but accepts no responsibility for lost materials. Reproduction in whole or in part of materials in this issue without permission is prohibited. Copyright 2016 Northern Plains Potato Growers Association. All rights reserved. N 8080 .y1809 Hw00.833.0705 Y EQALLEVVALLETHNOR 00 833 0705 NDontafrG81 S. QUIPMENT F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 64 POTATO GROWER4 POTATO GROWER Northern Plains Well Represented At Potato Expo by Ted Kreis NPPGA Marketing and Communications Director Contributions from NDSU the Thiele family and the US Potato Board Potato Expo 2016 was held in Las Vegas the first week of January. The event is the largest gathering for the potato industry in North America bringing together more than 1900 growers suppliers and industry part- ners including 84 from North Dakota and 56 from Minnesota. Hundreds of storylines come from an event this large but we will cover just a few most with local significance. Once again our region brought home a couple major awards Neil Gudmestad was named the Potato Man for All Seasons and Orvil Gilleshammer was posthumously awarded the NPC Seed Grower of the Year. Both men were nominated by the Northern Plains Potato Growers Association Board of Directors. Gudmestad Award The Potato Man for All Seasons award was presented to Dr. Neil Gudmestad at the National Potato Council Annual Meeting. The award is sponsored by The Packer magazine and recognizes an individual for out- standing lifetime achievements in the potato industry. Neil was raised on his familys farm near Litchville North Dakota and attended nearby Valley City State University. The 1974 graduate of VCSU was later named a Distinguished Alumnus of that school. After graduating from Valley City State Neil went on to North Dakota State University NDSU in Fargo and received his MS degree in Plant Pathology in 1978. It was during this time that he began his career-long work with potatoes. As a graduate stu- dent he was appointed interim coordi- nator of the potato pathology pro- gram at NDSU until a new faculty member was hired to replace Dr. Joe Huguelet. Neil also worked as a plant pathologist at the North Dakota State Seed Department for the next four years while simultaneously studying for his PhD degree in the Plant Pathology Department at NDSU. His duties at the North Dakota State Seed Department were regulatory and included field inspections and lab testing for seed certification of North Dakota seed potato fields. Neil received his PhD degree in 1982. He worked as a post- doctoral Research Associate in the Plant Pathology Department at NDSU for two years until June 1985. With the support of the seed potato industry a seed potato pathologist position was funded by the legislature in the Plant Pathology Department. The potato industry in North Dakota made it clear that they wanted Neil to occupy this position. It was during this time Neil began his stellar research program in potato science. He became an Associate Professor in 1989 a Professor in 1996 and a University Distinguished Professor in 2007. A University Distinguished Professor is the highest honor NDSU can bestow upon a faculty member. Dr. Gudmestads now has 37 years of experience working with the potato and the potato industry including 29 years as a faculty member. Neil has had numerous graduate students and has been an excellent instructor Neil Gudmestad left accepts the Potato Man for All Seasons award from Tom Karst of The Packer. F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 POTATO GROWER 5 teaching Plant Disease Management. His research career in the Agricultural Experiment Station at NDSU has been devoted 100 to the potato industry. Neil has published over 100 scientific journal articles nine extension bul- letins 13 book chapters and 67 tech- nical publications. He has established himself as a leader in the potato industry with high visibility of leader- ship roles from the Bacterial Ring Rot eradication efforts to becoming a national leader of Zebra Chip research to fungicide resistance in potato pathogens. In addition to his research he is wide- ly sought-after as a speaker at meet- ings both nationally and internation- ally because of his data based talks his engaging personality and his acerbic wit. He talks frequently at agrichemi- cal company meetings and education- al sessions. Neil is also a consultant and advisor to many of the largest potato growers in the United States where he has become a valuable source of advice and technical knowl- edge. Many growers rely on his tech- nical skill advice and training which contribute to their profitability and success. Dr. Gudmestad has a long list of awards and special recognitions including three he received in just this past year. They include a Honorary Life Membership in the Potato Association of America the 2015 World Potato Congress Lifetime Achievement Award and induction into American Phytopathological Society Hall of Fame. There is a long list of additional awards and honors too many to men- tion them all but the list includes the NPPGA Meritorious Service Award and the National Potato Councils Researcher of the Year Award. F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 66 POTATO GROWER Last year the Neil C. Gudmestad Endowed Chair of Potato Pathology was created in his name. This is the first fully endowed faculty position at North Dakota State University and the first time a current faculty mem- ber has had an endowed chair posi- tion named in his honor. Gilleshammer Award Another award went to a North Dakota seed grower with a long histo- ry in the states potato seed business. Orvil Gilleshammer posthumously received the National Potato Councils Seed Grower of the Year Award also at the NPC Annual Meeting in Las Vegas. Orvil passed away this past June at the age of 93. Family members had planned to attend the big event and accept the award in his name but had to cancel those plans at the last minute. Orvils bride of 73 years passed away just three days before the award was to be presented. Joy had been married to Orvil for 73 years before Orvils death this past June. Long-time family friend Brad Nilson accepted the award on behalf of the Gilleshammer family. NPPGA plans to recognize Orvil at the NPPGA Chairmans and Awards Banquet on February 16th. Orvil Peter Gilleshammer was born in Minneapolis Minnesota in 1922 where he lived for a short time before he his family moved back to his mothers childhood farm in north- western Minnesota. In May 1928 the family moved to a farm northwest of Auburn North Dakota. At the age of six Orvil drove a team of horses by himself pulling family furniture to their new farm. Orvil learned to work fields with hors- es at the age of 12. After 12 years of farming around Auburn his parents moved to Tuft Farm by Grafton North Hammer-Lok Steel Building Systems 44434 Harvest Ave. Perham MN 56573 1-844-203-4565 Full service Design Build General Contractor for all your produce storage needs. Stop By And See Us At The International Crop Expo Show On February 17th and 18th. Booth 253. Brad Nilson right accepted the Seed Grower of the Year Award from NPC President Dan Lake on behalf of the Orvil Gilleshammer family. F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 POTATO GROWER 7 Dakota. These were difficult years because Orvils father suffered from pleurisy. Orvil had to take over the farming responsibilities as a young adult. Orvil married Joy Anderson in 1942 and enlisted in the Army in 1943. While on Army maneuvers he was seriously injured when a hand grenade exploded in his hand. For the next year he endured several opera- tions and skin grafts to save three fin- gers on his right hand. Orvil was hon- orably discharged from the Army. Orvil moved back to Grafton and started working for the North Dakota State Seed Department as a potato seed inspector. In 1946 he began farming near Auburn but it took per- sistence because four different lending institutions would not borrow him 1500 because of his disability. Finally the fifth lending institution did and his farming career began. Orvil moved his farming operation to St. Thomas North Dakota where they raised two daughters Karen and Kay. In 1954 Orvil grew his first crop of seed potatoes and continued being a seed producer until he retired in 2005. With a will and determination to be one of the best Orvil along with Toby Tobiason of Tobiason Potato Company built one of the most rep- utable farming and seed companies in the country. Orvil and Toby started shipping seed to Florida Cuba Arizona Washington and Oregon. Orvil started a lot of relationships with potato growers in the South and West and a lot of those relationships are still alive and strong to this day for the familys business. Orvil tried to please the customer as best he could whether it was a new variety they wanted consulting on the phone or making trips to Florida to help the growers. In 1989 Gilleshammer Farms became Gilleshammer Thiele Farms Inc. when Orvil formed a partnership with his son-in-law Johnny Thiele. In 2005 Orvil decided to sell his portion of the corporation to his grandson Preston Thiele. Orvil often said he hadnt retired the fact that he was still the first one at the farm every day proved that true. Orvil continued to help at the farm mainly with tillage work and giving advice that stemmed from many years of experience until he was 92 years old. Orvil had many accomplishments outside of farming. He was a great curler in the 1950s and 1960s win- ning the United States Curling Title in 1960. In 1992 he was inducted into the United States Curling Hall of Fame. He became the first president of the Grafton Curling Club. Orvil was the top sugar producer for American Crystal Sugar Company in 1975. He was awarded 2003 Pembina County O u t s t a n d i n g Agriculturist by North Dakota State University. Orvil was a member of the North Dakota Certified Seed G r o w e r s Association and the Northern Plains Potato Growers Association. Orvil attended the Grafton Lutheran Church. Congratulations to the Gilleshammer family on this well-deserved award North Central Potato Breeding Team The potato breeding programs from four north central state universities once again joined forces to display their newest and most promising vari- eties at Potato Expo 2016. Breeders Susie Thompson from North Dakota State David Douches from Michigan State Jeffrey Endelman from Wisconsin and Assistant Researcher Spencer Barriball from Minnesota were displaying a host of new vari- eties some not yet named for the chip fry and fresh potato industries. Breeding programs from the four state universities have been doing collabo- rative work as a team for many years once under the title of Quad State. The idea of exhibiting together first came from Duane Maatz former President of the NPPGA. He thought our area needed a presence at the 6th World Potato Congress which was North Central Potato Breeders Left to Right Jeffrey Endelman of Wisconsin Susie Thompson from North Dakota State University and David Douches from Michigan State University. F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 68 POTATO GROWER coming to Boise Idaho in 2006. I Ted Kreis was charged with organizing a display booth for the group that year and have every year since. Following the Potato Congress we have exhibit- ed first at the NPC Seed Seminars and later the Potato Expos. The 2016 Potato Expo marked our 11th year together. Notes Other local firms or organi- zations exhibiting at the Expo includ- ed Harriston Mayo Lockwood Manufacturing Tri-Steel Manufactur- ing North Dakota Certified Seed Minnesota Certified Seed and Pieper Farms. USPB Launches Spud Nation Food Truck Venture The United States Potato Board USPB launched its first Spud Nation Food Truck at Potato Expo 2016. USPB President and CEO Blair Richardson unveiled the Spud Nation Food Truck at the conclusion of the If You Can See It You Can Be It luncheon keynote address amid an entertaining curtain drop before excited Expo attendees. Afterwards industry mem- bers eagerly gathered around the truck dubbed Bettie for walk- through inspections kicking the tires and learning more about this new USPB foodservice venture. After the unveil Richardson explained why food trucks will pro- vide valuable demand building oppor- tunities for the U.S. potato industry. By 2017 food trucks will be a 2.7 billion market according to the National Restaurant Association he said. Currently food trucks are only reaching about 50 percent of the U.S. population but its one of the fastest growing market segments in foodser- vice and several sources reveal there are huge opportunities for the future. Seventy-one percent of Americans polled in a recent survey indicated they are comfortable buying meals from food trucks. We need to be a leader and trend setter in this rapidly changing environment. Spud Nation food trucks are part of the new marketing and education programs to be launched by the USPB in 2016. The state of the art food trucks are owned by the 2500 farming families involved in the potato indus- try. This means the USPB will control how potatoes are used and presented and the messages used. Food trucks are dynamic billboards showcasing the food they create and taking it to consumers where they live and play. Static billboard advertising in major markets like Denver CO can run as high as 12000 per month. Spud Nation food trucks are much more than mobile advertising though. This venture enables the USPB to do new things such as partnering with other industry groups in unveil- ing and rotating innovative new product launches. Spud Nation will have direct con- tact and actual consumer interac- tion at many lev- els. The USPB will have data on new exclusively fea- tured products to share with the industry. This food truck enterprise will enable the USPB to carry its message to market and lever- age the messaging and health benefits of potatoes which have been gathered over many years of research. It will be a small yet extremely visible and growing part of the USPB marketing programs that is scalable. Spud Nation will provide a direct experien- tial marketing channel for engaging consumers with globally inspired potato dishes they have never seen or considered before. Food trucks appeal to consumers who are called Vibrant Diners. From USPB research this target is a group- ing which falls within the Adventurous Diners and Live to Eat market segments. This food truck target consumer trends heavily toward millennial who are male and they are important because they influ- ence other consumers. This is how trends often begin in the food world. This generations age range is 18-34 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 POTATO GROWER 9 so they tend to be younger. Vibrant Diners live in higher income house- holds with annual income averaging 70000. In education 52 percent have college or advanced degrees and 57 are employed full or part-time. Vibrant Diners are adventurous eaters who favor potatoes. They have 5.2 average weekly potato meal occa- sions while the general population eats potatoes 4.1 times a week. They are frequent diners who often eat on the run. They prefer fresh foods over frozen or canned alternatives but they are on the lookout for quick and easy meal options. In their dining experiences Vibrant Diners are looking for variety and adventure. Food truck menu offerings fulfill this need with potato dishes drawn from the Boards programs in 23 countries around the world. They enjoy different types of food and seek variety in everyday life. They choose tasteful food options caring more about indulging food cravings over making healthy mealtime selections. Spud Nation will have an objective to average 250000 in total revenues per truck. The best food trucks pro- duce 500000-750000 in total rev- enues so there is definite potential to earn above 250000 per truck. Spud Nation trucks will launch with 9 menu items made with a vast array of U.S. potato products. Log on to to learn more about the Spud Nation Food Truck. Techmark is more than a storage ventilation company. We are a Total Storage Quality Management Company. Storage system innovation through integration of technology and experience. Techmarks product and service lines are designed to work for your storage management team and create efficient profitable operating procedures for your storage systems. 15400 S. US 27 Lansing MI 48906 USA 517-322-0250 Solutions Ven ilation Prescriptive TM The first USPB Spud Nation Food Truck named Bettie was on display at the Expo. F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 610 POTATO GROWER By John Toaspern International Marketing Vice President US Potato Board U.S. potato exports declined for the first time in fiscal 201415 but have rebounded strongly during the first five months July November of fiscal year 201516. Exports of frozen potato products are up 15 by volume and 11 in value while dehy exports have increased 19 by volume and 9 in value. Fresh pota- to exports both chip-stock table- stock are down 7 in volume and 9 in value due to continuing declines in exports to Canada. Seed potato exports have doubled from the same period last fiscal year. U.S. exports were hit with a triple play last marketing year as the dol- lar continued to appreciate making U.S. product up to 30 more expen- sive than that from our competitors. Further there was an extremely large crop in the EU that led to record production of frozen potato products available at very low prices. Finally the slowdowns at the U.S. West Coast ports starting in October 2014 and running through March 2015 meant only 50 of the normal volume of freight was leav- ing through these ports. The result was a 12 decline in the volume of U.S. exports of frozen products and a 15 decline to the United States Potato Boards USPBs target mar- kets. At the same time the EU enjoyed a 22 increase in total exports of frozen and a 51 increase in sales to the Boards target markets. Based on these factors USPB grow- er-leaders allocated an additional 300000 in funds from reserves to be used in the International Marketing program to regain these lost sales. The grower dollars have been leveraged with 400000 in Market Access Program MAP fund- ing from USDA. These funds have been utilized by the USPBs interna- tional representatives to carry out a wide array of activities in the mar- kets. In the Philippines the Board bought EU fries from importers and donat- ed them to orphanages if the importers would replace the product with purchases of U.S. fries. We also gave restaurants a free case of U.S. fries for every five cases of U.S. fries they purchased. In China the USPB launched a social media campaign in conjunction with restaurants that switched back to U.S. fries. In Malaysia the Boards rep went door to door meeting with restaurants to explain why they should buy U.S. based on the return on invest- ment messages developed from pre- vious research. For the many restau- rants that then did switch back the USPB conducted promotional activ- ities highlighting where people should go to get high quality U.S. USPB Message Back To Winning Ways F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 POTATO GROWER 11 fries. In Thailand the USPB support- ed McDonalds Thailand after they switched to 100 U.S. product by bringing a media tour to the U.S. to learn about high quality U.S. fries and the farmers processors researchers and others that make them possible. The TV station on the tour filed five news stories of 3 5 minutes each highlighting each aspect of the process. There have also been 10 stories filed online in newspapers and in magazines tout- ing the quality of U.S. fries. In Taiwan the Board is running a social media campaign with 10 restaurant chains that switched back to U.S. product offering chances to win prizes for customers that order fries at one of the restaurants. In the largest market for U.S. fries Japan the USPB has utilized a four- pronged approach. First a con- sumer website was set up that focused on how much fun U.S. fries are including a music video dedi- cated to U.S. fries. Consumers can win prizes for submitting their own versions of the video or pictures of themselves enjoying U.S. fries. A video was also produced that shows a young mother reminiscing about the important role U.S. fries played in her childhood and young adult life culminating in her serving U.S. fries to her children. This advertise- ment was shown at video kiosks in subway and train stations through- out Tokyo. To boost sales of U.S. frozen potato products at retail a Halloween promotion was conduct- ed with fun-themed recipes for chil- dren to enjoy U.S. frozen potatoes around this holiday. Finally a long- term effort is the official establish- ment of the 10th of every month as U.S. Fries Day. Online and social media promotions are conducted each month in connection with large restaurant chains serving U.S. fries. Participation in this promo- tion continues to grow since its inception in August. Many of the factors impacting U.S. exports are still in place particularly the strong dollar but with the help of the USPB programs U.S. exporters are doing a great job of regaining these lost sales and mak- ing new ones. As I reported above U.S. exports are back to their win- ning ways and it is expected this will continue for the remainder of the marketing year. F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 612 POTATO GROWER Reflecting On 2015 and Looking Ahead To 2016 The potato industry focused on sev- eral important public policy priori- ties in 2015. As you saw on the national news it was a difficult year in Congress. Most of the significant decisions on budget and policy were lumped in a giant must-pass Omnibus bill that Congress approved and the President signed in December just before they left town. The potato industry working with our allies in various coalitions and our friends in the House and Senate had our share of victories and some temporary setbacks. While some priorities require more work this year potato growers did achieve victories last year which will pay huge dividends for the grower community. The 2016 Omnibus bill made the Section 179 expensing allowance permanent and extended the bonus depreciation options for three years. Small businesses can now expense rather than depreciate up to 500000 of capital expendi- tures. The bipartisan bill increased NIFA potato breeding research fund- ing which is a significant source of funding for breeding programs in all major production areas. The bill also repealed the country of origin labeling COOL requirements on meat which will prevent Canada and Mexico from imposing retalia- tory tariffs sanctioned by the World Trade Organization. Potatoes and frozen potato products would have been a target in the retaliation had Congress not acted in our favor. During the 114th Congress potato growers commodity groups and our food industry partners launched a major legislative effort to pass a vol- untary federal food labeling bill that would preempt states from imple- menting individual food labeling requirements for GMO or other technology. Without federal law establishing the Food and Drug Administration FDA as the sole authority on food safety and food labeling a patchwork of state label- ing laws will disrupt commerce and send confusing messages to con- sumers. Activist groups bombarded Capitol Hill with emails and calls and placed television ads opposing NPC Messageby John Keeling NPC Executive Vice President and CEO F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 POTATO GROWER 13 federal voluntary labeling. The fight was really a struggle between those who choose to trust science and those who choose to ignore it. Even with the FDA determining that GMOs dont present greater safety concerns than foods developed by traditional plant breeding efforts continue to establish state food labeling laws that do nothing to protect consumers but do increase the cost of food. The food industry effort was successful in passing a bill in the House but failed to get the Senate to debate a bill or to get lan- guage added to the Omnibus. The pressure for Congress to establish federal primacy on food labeling will continue as the implementa- tion date for state labeling laws nears. Potato growers also showed their commitment to improving trans- portation efficiency by their work to pass legislation to provide states the option of increasing weight limits on federal highways. Department of Transportation studies and sever- al pilot programs have clearly demonstrate that trucks weighing as much as 100000 pounds with the addition of a 6th axle operate more safely lower emissions and reduce road wear. A vote in the House to increase allowable truck weight lim- its to 93000 pounds was unsuccess- ful. While we face strong opposition from the railroads the data and the experience of other industrialized countries support the soundness of increasing truck weights. The potato industry remains committed to achieving that goal. A new congressional calendar means new opportunities and new challenges. On February 22-25 potato growers will gather in Washington DC for the Potato D.C. Fly In. They will put on their coats and ties go to Capitol Hill and get to work. F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 614 POTATO GROWER As our winter weather makes us think of warmer days many start thinking and talking of better things such as planting potatoes. In 2013 I wrote about herbicide carry- over in potato however there have been a number of changes in herbi- cides and the length of potato rota- tion restrictions. Because of these changes I will revisit this informa- tion. Potato plants can be sensitive to many types of soil-residual herbi- cides. This is especially a concern when renting land with the inten- tion for potato production. It is important to know what herbicides have been used previously because herbicide residuals may be harmful to potato plants up to 48 months after they are applied. It is a good practice to review previous herbi- cide applications to a field where plans have been made to plant pota- toes. Carryover of herbicides can affect emergence rate and growth causing a reduction in potato yield andor quality. The carryover potential of herbicides varies because of their chemical structure. Soil characteris- tics and environmental conditions will also affect the potential for car- ryover. Understanding the potential effects of herbicides residues in the soil will ensure that the potato crop can produce high yield and quality. Restrictions for planting potatoes in North Dakota can be found in the North Dakota Weed Control Guide Table 1. This information is from current registration labels as available. For states outside of North Dakota check the herbicide labels for specif- ic instructions on potato rotation. If problems arise and you need help diagnosing an issue the NDSU UMN Potato Diagnostics page at z.umn.edud is a perfect place to go for help. Andys Advice 2016 Update On Herbicide Carryover In Potatoes By Andy Robinson Extension Potato Agronomist NDSU and Rich Zollinger Extension Weed Scientist NDSU F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 POTATO GROWER 15 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 616 POTATO GROWER F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 POTATO GROWER 17 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 620 POTATO GROWER Seed Issues At The 2016 Potato Expo by Willem Schrage North Dakota State Seed Department The 2016 Potato Expo had break-out ses- sions for the processing chips seed technology and fresh market. Some break-out sessions were quite practical and applicable. The first speaker was Dr. Dennis Johnson Washington State University. He talked about Managing Tuber Blemish Diseases. He mentioned Silver Scurf Black Dot Black Scurf Common Scab Powdery Scab and Elephant Hide as important blemishes. The symptoms of elephant hide were described as thick coarse russet skin of which the cause is unknown. Dr. Johnson had selected sil- ver scurf Helminthosporium solani and black dot Colletotrichum coccodes for a more detailed description silver scurf being primarily tuber born and black dot tuber and soil born. Silver scurf is known to increase in stor- age and over seed generations. Managing silver scurf should be done by selecting clean seed. Dr. Johnson sug- gested having seed and harvested tubers tested. An effective chemical treatment such as fludioxonil Maxim Maxim MZ Cruiser Maxx or flutalonil Moncoat MZ can be effective. One should avoid close crop rotations because when planting potatoes within two years after each other the soil becomes a source of inoculum. One should also harvest within reasonable time after vine kill or senescence. It is also necessary to clean and sanitize storage facilities. Wood in storage should be eliminated. Post-har- vest treatments such as Stadium azoxy- strobin difenoconazole fludioxonil or phosphorous acid were suggested. One should keep the temperature as cool as possible and the humidity as low as possible. However a balance should be found because potatoes need high humidity and higher temperatures. Black dot was called an elusive pathogen. It infects plants during the entire season starting early. Infections may be latent. The symptoms are not evident until the plant is under stress or starts to senesce. There is an inconsis- tent influence on yield. The inoculum can be in soil tare dirt seed or air borne. The incidence of black dot is reduced the longer a field stays out of potato production. Managing of black dot starts before planting. Dr. Johnson suggested to start with as clean seed as possible with little tare dirt. One should remove grime from surfaces in contact with cut seed and avoid stress for cut seed. Select a well-drained soil and extend crop rota- tions preferably more than four years for a potato crop. One should reduce soil compaction improve soil structure and increase organic matter to reduce plant stress. During the growing season blowing sand increases stress to young plants. Plants need nutrients and water during the entire season. The fungicides Strobulirin and Vertisan were recom- mended for one to two months after planting. One should not leave the crop too long in the field. It is a good man- agement strategy against black dot to keep the storage temperature low. Dr. Amy Charkowski University of Wisconsin dealt with the biology and management of the soft rot bacterial pathogens Dickeya and Pectobacterium formerly known as Erwinia. Dr. Charkowski mentioned that Dickeya had caused losses in potatoes mainly in east- ern North America. She mentioned that Erwinia carotovora was now Pectobacterium and Erwinia chrysanthemi was now Dickeya. They are bacteria caus- ing seed piece decay black leg stem rot and tuber soft rot. Dickeya solani is the more aggressive soft rot species more aggressive than Dickeya dianthicola but D. solani has not been reported in North America. Dickeya has probably been in seed potatoes in North America over the last few years. Rain in 2013 and 2014 were favorable for the spread of the bac- teria but low temperature caused the pathogen to remain latent. When tem- peratures were higher in 2015 there were significant losses. There are measures available to help reduce the losses such as PCR tests that can identify seed lots with high inci- dence of Dickeya. Dr. Charkowski sug- gested a survey to avoid another out- break. If one wants to test 400 tubers per seed lot were considered likely to identify lots with a 1 incidence. She suggested sending multiple samples when seeing symptoms. She recom- mended to send a random sample of healthy tubers and send the least symp- tomatic tubers or stems. The challenge is that there are no cura- tive chemicals available nor is resistance available. However there seems to be a difference in susceptibility between vari- eties. F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 POTATO GROWER 21 Dr. Charkowski would like to see a clear- er notification of black leg on the North American Potato Health Certificate available for each certified seed potato lot upon request. Wisconsin did a small survey of Field Year 3 seed lots and found no Dickeya but one Pectobacterium. It was stated that seed cutting spreads the bacteria. It was suggested to use whole seed when possible. Also a thor- ough cleaning and sanitizing of equip- ment should be done between seed lots. When seed cutting it is preferable to allow for suberization of the seed pieces before planting. A poor emergence may be caused by Dickeya. Testing of such a field may confirm it. It was recommended not to spread the bacteria from such a field. Excessive water spreads the bacteria. Copper sprays can slow the spread. Legumes and small grains are poor hosts for the pathogen. Crop rotation of three years will reduce the occurrence of Dickeya. It survives well in water and weeds but not in the soil. It can spread after severe storms. Calcium helps pro- tect the plants and too much nitrogen increases susceptibility. It is dangerous to store rotten tubers. Storage management needs to be opti- mal. It is better not to harvest an infect- ed field. Management for all soft rot bac- teria is about the same. Dr. Rick Pederson Agriculture and Agri- Food Canada had as subject how to fit phosphites into a disease management program. Phosphite applications on seed are phytotoxic and not an option. In furrow applications are not effective and can have an adverse effect when the phospites come in touch with the cut surface of the seed pieces. Soil drench- ing was said to be more effective. Foliar applications were considered effective when starting early especially before late blight is found. Phospites control oomycetes and stimulate plant health. One needs a sufficient dosage to obtain disease control. A total during the sea- son was suggested to be 7 to 10 liter min. 2 gallons per acre per acre. In times of stress dosages should be reduced. Washing off of the chemical should be avoided. Dr. Pederson was still cautious about foliar applications on seed potatoes. He mentioned the possibility of adverse effects of yields of Minnesota Certified Seed Potatoes When you buy Minnesota certified seed potatoes youre getting a history of high performance high quality seed. Minnesota seed is grown on a wide range of soil types from the rich black soils of the Red River Valley to the irrigated sands of Central Minnesota to the deep peat soils of East Central and Southern Minnesota. If you want a specific variety we can grow it. www.mnseed For your free copy of the Minnesota Certified Seed Directory Call 218-773-4956 MINNESOTA CertifiedSeedPotatoDirectory 2015 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 622 POTATO GROWER the seed potatoes. Post-harvest applica- tions should be done as soon as possible after harvest at labeled rates. One should manage the water volumes. Control of silver scurf is a bonus. There is conflicting evidence about the appli- cation on seed potatoes which Dr. Pederson suggested could be best miti- gated by strict adherence to the rate on the label. Processing The National Potato Council had invit- ed a processing grower from the Netherlands Jacco De Graaf who spoke about the situation with processing con- tracts in Europe. The family De Graaf grows processing potatoes sugar beets grass seed wheat and rent land to a tulip grower. They have two other sources of income. They sell electricity of their wind turbine and their farm is open for visitors of which most are Americans. Their website is http Contracting potatoes is done when a representative of the processor contacts the growers individually. There is little or no negotiation. Price levels fluctuate a bit with the open market of last sea- son. The contract is for a maximum of 350 cwt per acre. Overage must be delivered at open market price. The contract price goes from 4.60 per cwt from the field to 7.93 per cwt at the end of the storage season in July. After July 15 the processor starts with the new crop that may have been growing under plastic to protect from frost and acceler- ate growth. The price for processing potatoes no longer reacts to adverse weather conditions as it did before. Higher prices have become more of an exception which is a reason to increase the volumes under contract. Different countries have different habits. For example the Netherlands went from 50 to 80 under contract while Belgium is still at 50 under contracts. Mr. De Graaf also mentioned a major difference between potato crops in North America and Europe. Because the climate in Europe is a maritime climate with much rain and crops depending on rain the yields are more erratic. One advantage for the grower in Europe is the large number of processors in the relatively small area of Western Europe. The growers have a choice which processor they want to grow for. F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 POTATO GROWER 23 Pictures From The 2016 POTATO EXPO NPPGA Marketing and Communications Director Ted Kreis got between two rival presidential candidates. Sandy Aarestad center and Alex Aarestad right from Valley Tissue Culture visit with Sue Mertens from the North Dakota State Seed Department. Minnesota Certified Seed Growers Left to right Randy Schmidt Justin Dagen and Peter Imle at the Expo. Mike Delisle right from Mayo-Harriston visits with Mike Peak from CSS Farms. Left to right Steve Johnson and Steve Tweten from NoKota Packers visit with Black Golds Gregg Halverson on the Expo floor. F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 624 POTATO GROWER Pictures From The 2016 POTATO EXPO Food truck chefs compete in the first ever Spud Nation Throwdown sponsored by the US Potato Board. USPB Chairman Carl Hoverson from Larimore North Dakota visits with the US Potato Boards Industry Communications and Policy Manager Alexandra Grimm. Left to right John Nordgaard from Black Gold visits with Dr. Eric Allen and Potato Man for All Seasons winner Dr. Neil Gudmestad. Pieper Farms had a booth at the Expo pictured are David Zaitz and Cristine Nestegard. Ben Sklarczyk center from Johannesburg Michigan won the Spudman Emerging Leader Award. He is pictured with Jimmy Ridgway from Yara Left and Spudmans Bill Schaefer Right. F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 POTATO GROWER 25 Turning Back The Clock A Look Back 25 Years Ago at Excerpts from The February 1991 Issue of The ValleyPotato Grower Magazine Study Of Potatoes Show Lower Rate Of Herbicides Effective Potato Growers can save on herbi- cides without sacrificing yield thanks to research done last sum- mer at the University of Minnesota. Reducing herbicide rates by two- thirds gave excellent weed control and high potato yields says Leonard B. Hertz research and extension horticulturist. Hertz and research scientist Edith Lurvey did the study which Hertz reported on during the annual meeting of the North Central Weed Science Society December 11-13 in Des Moines Iowa. Metribuzin trade names Sencor and Lexone was the herbicide we applied postemergence when pota- to plants were about six to eight inched tall and weeds were about one to four inches tall Hertz says. We were able to reduce the rates drastically to only 0.25 pound metribuzin per acre for 90 percent or better weed control. The key word is postemergence. When metribuzin was applied pre- emergence to the soil surface before the potato plants and weeds had emerged 0.75 to 1 pound of the herbicide was required per acre to give 90 percent or better weed control. One pound per acre is the maximum label rate for metribuzin determined by the Enviromental Protection Agency. Russet Burbank was the variety grown in the study which was con- ducted at the Universitys Sand Plain Research Farm at Becker Minnesota about 50 miles Northwest of the Twin Cities. The weeds to be controlled included green foxtail common ragweed wild buckwheat and carpetweed. Combining the herbicide with a spray additive such as Crop Oil concentrate increased weed control and potato yields to what would have been achieved with 0.75 pound per acre of metribuzin according to Hertz. He says that adding a second herbicide Poast in very small quantities 0.18 pound or a few tablespoonsful in 40 gal- lons of water per acre significantly increased grass control. CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES Contact Kevin Waller 701.402.2833 Multi-Year Contracts Available 4320 18th Ave. S. Grand Forks ND 58201 Specializing in Atlantic Snowden Chip Seed. Other RedChipRusset varieties also available. F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 626 POTATO GROWER 14GROUP Inc. Introduces 14PEEP and 14Zap To The Potato Storage Market Following years of development in 14GROUPs in-house RD facility two new peep and sprout eliminat- ing products have been released into the market for the 2015-16 storage season. 14PEEP and 14Zap will provide storage man- agers with a superior burn agent to safely and effectively eliminate sprout growth during the post-har- vest storage season. Both products have been subjected to significant lab and field testing to achieve max- imum results and are applied as a fog or vapor within a storage unit and will desiccate existing peeps and sprouts. 14Zap Formulation that provides maxi- mum pile penetration. Ability to upgrade potatoes to reduce market rejections. Burns peeps and sprouts for quick cleanup. 14PEEP Burn agent that returns potatoes to a state of dormancy to extend shelf life. Maintains potato firmness over time to increase storage life. Reduces quality rejections and maintains the quality for future shipments. 14GROUP Inc. distributes a full array of EPA registered products specifically targeted to maintain superior potato quality during the post-harvest storage season and is based in Meridian ID. For more information about all of their prod- ucts and your local technical repre- sentative visit F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 POTATO GROWER 27 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 628 POTATO GROWER People Product News USDA Expands Microloans To Include Farmland Purchases Agriculture Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA will begin offering farm ownership microloans creating a new financing avenue for farmers to buy and improve property. These microloans will help beginning or underserved farmers U.S. veterans looking for a career in farming and those who have small and mid-sized farming opera- tions the agency said. Since 2013 the microloan program has provided more than 16800 low- interest loans totaling over 373 mil- lion to producers across the country according to an agency press release. Micro-loans have been used for oper- ating costs such as feed fertilizer tools fencing equipment and living expenses. Seventy percent of loans have gone to new farmers the USDA said. Now micro-loans will be available to also help with farm land and building purchases and soil and water conser- vation improvements. The USDA Farm Service Agency FSA designed the expanded program to simplify the application process expand eligibility requirements and expedite smaller real estate loans the agency said. Microloans provide up to 50000 to qualified producers and can be issued to the applicant directly from FSA. To learn more about the FSA microloan program visit the USDA Farm Service Agency website or con- tact your local FSA office. Innate Second Generation Potato Receives FDA Safety Clearance The Food and Drug Administration has completed its food and feed safety assessment of the J.R. Simplot Companys second generation of Innate potatoes. The FDA concluded that these Russet Burbank Generation 2 potatoes are not materially different in composi- tion safety and other relevant parame- ters from any other potato or potato- derived food or feed currently on the market according to a company press release. Simplot will still need to com- plete its registration with the EPA for these potatoes before introducing them for sale in the U.S. marketplace. F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 POTATO GROWER 29 People Product News The FDAs safety consultation was vol- untarily requested by Simplot and comes shortly after the USDA also deregulated the same potatoes the company said. These federal clear- ances involved a technical review and a public comment period. According to Simplot the second gen- eration of Innate potatoes contains four benefits of relevance to potato growers processors and consumers reduced bruising and black spots reduced asparagine resistance to late blight pathogens and enhanced cold storage capability. These benefits were achieved by adapting genes from wild and cultivated potatoes. Late blight the disease responsible for the historic Irish potato famine is caused by a fungus-like pathogen and still has the potential to devastate world potato crops. Innate Gen. 2 potatoes contain a gene from a South American wild potato species that provides natural resistance to certain strains of the pathogen according to the company. Pesticide Residues Do Not Pose Safety Concern For Food The USDAs Agricultural Marketing Service AMS has posted data from the 2014 Pesticide Data Program PDP Annual Summary which con- firms that overall pesticide chemical residues found on the foods tested are at levels below the tolerances estab- lished by the EPA and do not pose a safety concern. The 2014 PDP Annual Summary shows that over 99 percent of the products sampled through PDP had residues below the EPA tolerances. Residues exceeding the tolerance were detected in 0.36 percent of the sam- ples tested. The PDP pesticide residue results are reported to FDA and EPA through monthly reports. In instances where a PDP finding may pose a safety risk FDA and EPA are immediately notified. EPA has determined the extremely low levels of those residues are not a food safety risk and the presence of such residues does not pose a safety concern. Each year USDA and EPA work together to identify foods to be tested on a rotating basis. In 2014 surveys were conducted on a variety of foods including fresh and processed fruits and vegetables oats rice infant for- mula and salmon. AMS partners with cooperating state agencies to collect and analyze pesticide chemical residue levels on selected foods. The EPA uses data from PDP to enhance its programs for food safety and help evaluate dietary exposure to pesti- cides. Since its inception the PDP has tested 113 commodities including fresh and processed fruits and vegetables dairy meat and poultry grains fish rice specialty products and water. The data is a valuable tool for consumers food producers and processors chem- ical manufacturers environmental interest groups and food safety organizations. The 2014 Pesticide Data Program Annual Summary can be downloaded at httpwww.ams.usda.govpdp To obtain printed copies email a request to the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service Science and Technology Program Monitoring Programs Division. CALENDAR February 2016 Ad Index AgCountry............................31 Associated Potato Growers...14 Black Gold Farms.................25 Biliske.....................................5 Crystal Green.........................2 HAMMER-LOK.......................6 International Crop Expo......17 Main Resource Auctions........5 Minnesota Seed....................21 Noffsinger Mfg.....................30 North Dakota Seed...............22 North Valley Equipment........3 14GROUP Inc........................8 Spudnik Equipment.............11 Techmark Inc........................9 TriEst Ag GroupInc..............13 Tri-Steel Mfg.........................28 Valley Tissue Culture Inc....29 US Potato Board...................32 Feb 16 NPPGA Annual Meeting Grand Forks North Dakota Information 218-773-3633 Feb 17-18 International Crop Expo Grand Forks North Dakota Information 218-773-3633 Feb 17-25 Potato Industry Leadership Institute Grand Forks North Dakota and Washington DC Information 202-682-9456 Feb 22-25 NPC Potato D.C. Fly-In Washington DC Information 202-682-9456 Mar 15-17 USPB Annual Meeting Colorado Springs Colorado Information 303-369-7783 Mar 19-22 SNAXPO Houston Texas Information May 21-24 National Restaurant Association Show Chicago Illinois Information 312-580-5403 June 20-23 United Fresh 2016 Convention Chicago Illinois Information 202-303-3420 July 9-17 Maine Potato Blossom Festival Fort Fairfield Maine Information 207-472-3802 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 630 POTATO GROWER