b"entire U.S. workforce relies on the pota-toindustryfortheirlivelihoods,con-tributing$53milliontowardsannual GDP growth.NPCs Spud Nation report cements the fact that potatoes are an essential com-ponenttoourprosperityasanation, built and sustained by Americas potato growers,whoputpeopletoworkin everycityandtownacrossourgreat country. As a country, we are fortunate to have potatoes as one of our strongest assets. Not only do potatoes make an impor-tantcontributiontooureconomy through job creation and revenue gener-ation, but they also hold the potential for further growth and development in thefuture.Thisreportrevealsthe impressivereachofpotatoesinthis country and highlights their immense value to America's prosperity. We are a Spud Nation.We're excited to share the results of this reportwithlawmakers,growers,and alliedindustrypartnersatthewebsite nationalpotatocouncil.org/spudnation.APRIL 2023 POTATO GROWER 9"